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The block diagram of the UNIX OS (kernel) is shown in the figure below. It shows various modules and their relationships with each other. In particular, it shows the file subsystem on the left side and the process control subsystem on the right.
The diagram serves as a useful logical view of the kernel, although in practice the kernel deviates from the model because some modules interact with the internal operations of others.
The figure also shows three levels i.e user, kernel, and hardware. The system call and library interface made the border between user programs and the kernel. System calls look like ordinary function calls in C programs. Libraries map these function calls to the primitives needed to enter the operating system.
Assembly language programs may invoke system calls directly without a system call library. Programs frequently use other libraries such as the standard I/O library to provide a more sophisticated use of the system calls.
The figure partitions the set of system calls into those that interact with the file subsystem and those that interact with the process control subsystem.
The file subsystem
The file subsystem manages files, allocating file space, administering free space, controlling access to files, and retrieving data for users. Processes interact with the file subsystem via a specific set of system calls, such as open (to open a file for reading or writing), close, read, write, stat (query the attributes of a file), chown (change the record of who owns the file), and chmod (change the access permissions of a file).
The file subsystem accesses file data using a buffering mechanism that regulates data flow between the kernel and secondary storage devices. The buffering mechanism interacts with block I/O device drivers to initiate data transfer to and from the kernel. Device drivers are the kernel modules that control the operation of peripheral devices. Block I/O devices are random access storage devices alternatively; their device drivers make them appear to be random access storage devices to the rest of the system.
For example, a tape driver may allow the kernel to treat a tape unit as a random access storage device. The file subsystem also interacts directly with "raw" I/O device drivers without the intervention of the buffering mechanism. Raw devices, sometimes called character devices, include all devices that do not block devices.
The process control subsystem
The process control subsystem is responsible for process synchronization, interprocess communication, memory management, and process scheduling. The file subsystem and the process control subsystem interact when loading a file into memory for execution.
Some of the system calls for controlling processes are fork (create a new process), exec (overlay the image of a program onto the running process), exit(finish executing a process), wait (synchronize process execution with the exit of a previously forked process), brk (control the size of memory allocated to a process), and signal (control process response to extraordinary events).
The memory management module controls the allocation of memory. If at any time the system does not have enough physical memory for all processes, the kernel moves them between main memory and secondary memory so that all processes get a fair chance to execute.
Memory swapping and demand paging:
The swapper process is sometimes called the scheduler because it "schedules" the allocation of memory for processes and influences the operation of the CPU scheduler. However, this text will refer to it as the swapper to avoid confusion with the CPU scheduler.
The scheduler module allocates the CPU to processes. It schedules them to run in turn until they voluntarily relinquish the CPU while awaiting a resource or until the kernel preempts them when their recent run time exceeds a time quantum. The scheduler then chooses the highest priority eligible process to run; the original process will run again when it is the highest priority eligible process available.