Explain briefly software evolution process.
1 Answer

fig (1) shows various phases of evolution of software development process.

fig (1) showcasing different stages.

(a) When systems were delivered.

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(b) When software engineering was adopted.

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(c) When software testing was introduced.

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(d) Stake holders information/involvement in current design approach.

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The first phase is when developers develop systems without considering the user and expect the user to accept the system (figure(1) (a))

In the next step, software systems are initiated by the project managers and are little bit enhanced to at least have consideration of user for its requirements (figure (1) - (b) )

Slowly the systems were added with quality improvement team which tries to overcome the delivery of poor design and also user level acceptance phase was added (figure (1)(c))

Even though the third involvement was beneficial it was very time consuming to deliver the end product. In the final evolution, the end user was involved in the initiation phase itself and that fulfilled the actual development of the goal oriented design (figure (1) (d))

Method to achieve success :

When machines were first introduced there was a definite monopoly of the products. The company earned huge profits in the initial stages of the market parallel to the supply of the existing products, the companies were looking for new business opportunities and there was also

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fig (2) desirability, viability and capability to achieve success in digital products or system software delivery.

A tough competition in the market companies strived to provide new range of products with considerable feasibility to the user. this was possible when design phase was introduced in manufacturing industry. Slowly, computers were also involved and that was having a limitless behavior. Designs very much decide the success of the product. to achieve success, we should have our computer interface with desirability, viability and capability (fig (2) )

Desirability : what does the end user needs?

Viability : How can we sustain the business? (How to ensure use, usage and usability?)

Capability : What can we deliver by using latest available technology?

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