Explain the architecture and features of EBS.

Mumbai University >Information Technology>Sem7>Cloud Computing

Marks: 10 M

1 Answer

Amazon EBS :

Amazon's data storage systems are devoted to Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS), which is a persistent storage service with a high operational performance.

Advantages of EBS are that it can store file system information and its performance is higher and much more reliable than Amazon S3.

That makes EBS valuable as an operational data storage medium for AWS. The cost of creating an EBS volume is also greater than creating a similarly sized S3 bucket.

An EBS volume can be used as an instance boot partition. The advantages of an EBS boot partition are that you can have a volume up to 1TB, retain your boot partition separately from your EC2 instance, and use a boot partition volume as a means for bundling an AMI into a single package.

EBS boot partitions can be stopped and started, and they offer fast AMI boot times. EBS is similar in concept to a Storage Area Network or SAN; you create block storage volumes varying in size from 1GB to 1TB and make those volumes available to your machine instances.

The performance of a volume is dependent upon the network I/O and therefore varies as a function of the size of your instance, as well as the type of disk I/O operations (random, sequential, request size, and READS or WRITE) that are in progress.

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