written 5.7 years ago by | modified 5.7 years ago by |
Nearest neighbor search is an optimization problem for finding close points.
It is defined as follows: given a set S of points in a space M and a query Q E M, find the set of closet points in S to Q.
There are many applications of nearest neighbor techniques as:
• Optical character recognition.
• Content based image retrieval.
• Collaborative filtering.
• Document similarity.
Collaborative filtering is a process whereby we recommend to users items that were linked by other users who have exhibited similar tastes.
1. Large search space to find nearest neighbors.
- We can use various MR algorithms to tackle this.
2. Use of distance measure.
- Which particular distance measure is most suitable for any particular application is difficult to determine.
3. Scalability.
Scalability issue arises if there are many more users than items like Amazon.com.
This problem can be solved by using adjusted cosine similarity.
As well we can give weighted to users and highly weighted users can only be considered.
4. High sacristy problem.
- This problem arises when there are very few common ratings between the users.
5. Cold start.
For a new item when no ratings are available then how to and whom to recommend.
To solve this we may use user’s demographic or non-personalized data to recommend this item.