written 5.7 years ago by |
Principles of important principles of material handling:
Planning principle: All handling activities should be planned.
Systems principle: Plan a system integrating as many handling activities as possible and coordinating the full scope of operations (receiving, storage, production, inspection, packing, warehousing, supply and transportation)
Space utilization principle: Make optimum use of cubic space.
Unit load principle: Increase quantity, size, weight of load handled.
Gravity principle: utilize gravity to move a material whenever practicable.
Material flow principle: Plan an operation sequence and equipment arrangement to optimize material flow.
Simplification principle: Reduce combine or eliminate unnecessary movement and/or equipment.
Safety principle: Provide for safe handling methods and equipment.
Mechanization principle: Use mechanical or automated material handling equipment.
Standardization principle: Standardize method, types, size of material handling equipment.
Flexibility principle: Use methods and equipment that can perform a variety of task and application.
Equipment selection principle: Consider all aspect of material, move and method to be utilized.
Dead weight principle: Reduce the ratio of dead weight to pay load in mobile equipment.
Motion principle: Equipment designed to transport material should be kept in motion.
Idle time principle: Reduce idle time/unproductive time of both MH equipment and man-power.
Maintenance principle: Plan for preventive maintenance or scheduled repair of all handling equipment.
Obsolescence principle: Replace obsolete handling methods/equipment when more efficient methods/equipment will improve operation.
Capacity principle: Use handling equipment to help achieve its full capacity.
Control principle: Use material handling equipment to improve production control, inventory control and other handling.
Performance principle: Determine efficiency of handling performance in terms of cost per unit handled which is the primary criterion.