What is trusted cloud computing?

Mumbai University >Information Technology>Sem7>Cloud Computing

Marks: 5M

Year: May 2013

1 Answer
  • Cloud computing infrastructures enable companies to cut costs by outsourcing computations on-demand. However, clients of cloud computing services currently have no means of verifying the confidentiality and integrity of their data and computation.

  • To address this problem the design of a trusted cloud computing platform (TCCP) was introduced.

  • TCCP enables Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers such as Amazon EC2 to provide a closed box execution environment that guarantees confidential execution of guest virtual machines.

  • Moreover, it allows users to attest to the IaaS provider and determine whether or not the service is secure before they launch their virtual machines.

  • The goal of trusted cloud computing is to make the computation of virtual machines confidential which is deployed by the service provider.

  • Customers can verify that the computation is confidential and prevent inspection of computation state at the service provider site

  • It allows customers to verify that computation is secure and deployed with cooperation of the cloud provider

  • Two components :

    A trusted virtual machine monitor (TVMM)

    A trusted co-ordinator.

  • It helps to determine whether the service is secure before they launch their VM

  • Hence, TCCP provides a closed box execution environment by extending the concept of trusted platform to an entire IAAS backend.

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