Draw the flow chart to find roots of a quadratic equation.

Subject :* Structured Programming Approach

Title : Introduction to Computer, Algorithm and Flowchart

Marks : 4M

1 Answer


Step I : Start.

Step II: Input a,b,c,del,r1,r2.

Step III: Print “Enter the value of coefficient of the X^2.”

Step IV: Read a.

Step V: Print “Enter the value of coefficient of the X.”

Step VI: Read b.

Step VII: Print “Enter the value of constant C.”

Step VIII: Read c.

Step IX: del = b X b –4 X a X c

Step X: If del is less than zero Then,

r1 = ( -b / ( 2 X a ) ) + sqrt ( del ) / 2 X a

r2= ( -b / ( 2 X a ) ) -sqrt ( del ) / 2 X a

Print“Roots are complex and unequal.

”Print “The roots for the entered values are r1 and r2.”

Else -if del is greater than zero Then,

r1 =( -b / ( 2 X a ) ) + sqrt ( del ) / 2 X a

r2 = ( -b / ( 2 X a ) ) -sqrt ( del ) / 2 X a

Print “Roots are real and unequal.”

Print “The roots for the entered values are r1 and r2.”


 r1 = ( -b / ( 2 X a ) ) + sqrt ( del ) / 2 X a

Print “Roots are real and equal.”

Print “The root for the entered values is r1.”


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