Vapour Absorption Refrigeration Systems Based On Water-Lithium Bromide Pair
1 Answer

Vapour absorption refrigeration systems using water-lithium bromide pair are extensively used in large capacity air conditioning systems. In these systems water is used as refrigerant and a solution of lithium bromide in water is used as absorbent. Since water is used as refrigerant, using these systems it is not possible to provide refrigeration at sub-zero temperatures. Hence it is used only in applications requiring refrigeration at temperatures above 0°C. Hence these systems are used for air conditioning applications. The analysis of this system is relatively easy as the vapour generated in the generator is almost pure refrigerant (water), unlike ammonia-water systems where both ammonia and water vapour are generated in the generator.

The lithium-bromide absorption refrigeration system uses a solution of lithium bromide in water. In this system, water is being used as a refrigerant whereas lithium bromide, which is a highly hydroscopic salt, is used as an absorbent. The lithium bromide solution has a strong affinity for water vapour because of its very low vapour pressure. Since lithium bromide solution is corrosive, therefore inhibitors should be added in order to protect the metal parts of the system against corrosion. Lithium chromate is often used as a corrosion inhibitor. This system is very popular for air conditioning in which low refrigeration temperatures (not below 0° C) are required.

The water for air-conditioning coils or process requirements is chilled as it is pumped through the chilled-water tubes in.the evaporator by giving up heat to the refrigerant water sprayed over the tubes. Since the pressure inside the evaporator is maintained very low, therefore, the refrigerant waterevaporates. The water vapours thus formed will be absorbed by the strong lithium-bromide solution which is sprayed in the absorber. In absorbing the water vapour, the lithium bromide solution helps in maintaining very low pressure (high vacuum) needed in the evaporator, and the solution becomes weak. This weak solution is pumped by a pump to the generator where it is heated up by using steam or hot water in the heating coils. A portion of water is evaporated by the heat and the solution now becomes more strong. This strong solution is passed through the heat exchanger and then sprayed in the absorber as discussed above. The weak solution of lithium bromide from the absorber to the generator is also passed through the heat exchanger. This weak solution gets heat from the strong solution in the heat exchanger, thus reducing the quantity of steam required to heat the weak solution in the generator.

The refrigerant water vapours formed in the generator due to heating of solution are passed to the condenser where they are cooled and condensed by the cooling water flowing through the condenser water tubes. The cooling water for condensing is pumped from the cooling water pond or tower. This cooling water first enters the absorber where it takes away the heat of condensation and dilution. The condensate from the condenser is supplied to the evaporator to compensate the water vapour formed in the evaporator. The pressure reducing valve reduces the pressure of condensate from the condenser pressure to the evaporator pressure. The cooled water from the evaporator is pumped and sprayed in the evaporator in order to cool the water for air conditioning flowing through the chilled tubes. This completes the cycle.

Commercial water-lithium bromide systems can be:

  1. Single stage or single-effect systems, and
  2. Multi stage or multi-effect systems

Single stage systems operate under two pressures – one corresponding to the condenser-generator (high pressure side) and the other corresponding to evaporator-absorber. Single stage systems can be either:

  1. Twin drum type, or
  2. Single drum type

Since evaporator and absorber operate at the same pressure they can be housed in a single vessel, similarly generator and condenser can be placed in another vessel as these two components operate under a single pressure. Thus a twin drum system consists of two vessels operating at high and low pressures. Figure below shows a commercial, single stage, twin drum system.

enter image description here

As shown in the figure, the cooling water (which acts as heat sink) flows first to absorber, extracts heat from absorber and then flows to the condenser for condenser heat extraction. This is known as series arrangement. This arrangement is advantageous as the required cooling water flow rate will be small and also by sending the cooling water first to the absorber, the condenser can be operated at a higher pressure to prevent crystallization. It is also possible to have cooling water flowing parallelly to condenser and absorber, however, the cooling water requirement in this case will be high. A refrigerant pump circulates liquid water in evaporator and the water is sprayed onto evaporator tubes for good heat and mass transfer. Heater tubes (steam or hot water or hot oil) are immersed in the strong solution pool of generator for vapour generation. Pressure drops between evaporator and absorber and between generator and condenser are minimized, large sized vapour lines are eliminated and air leakages can also be reduced due to less number of joints.

Figure below shows a single stage system of single drum type in which all the four components are housed in the same vessel. The vessel is divided into high and low pressure sides by using a diaphragm.

enter image description here

In multi-effect systems a series of generators operating at progressively reducing pressures are used. Heat is supplied to the highest stage generator operating at the highest pressure. The enthalpy of the steam generated from this generator is used to generate some more refrigerant vapour in the lower stage generator and so on. In this manner the heat input to the system is used efficiently by generating more refrigerant vapour leading to higher COPs. However, these systems are more complex in construction and require a much higher heat source temperatures in the highest stage generator. Figure below shows commercial double-effect systems.

enter image description here

The double effect cycle can be shown on the pressure-temperature plot as follows:

enter image description here

Practical problems typical to water-lithium bromide systems are:

  1. Crystallization
  2. Air leakage, and
  3. Pressure drops

Crystallization can occur when the hot solution rich in LiBr salt is cooled in the solution heat exchanger to low temperatures. The formation of solid crystals can block the pipes and valves; To avoid this the condenser pressure reduction below a certain value due to say, low cooling water temperature in the condenser should be avoided. Hence in commercial systems, the condenser pressure is artificially maintained high even though the temperature of the available heat sink is low. This actually reduces the performance of the system, but is necessary for proper operation of the system. This can be done by regulating the flow rate of cooling water to the condenser. Additives are also added in practical systems to inhibit crystallization.

Since the entire system operates under vacuum, outside air leaks into the system. Hence an air purging system is used in practical systems. Normally a two-stage ejector type purging system is used to remove air from the system.

Since the operating pressures are very small and specific volume of vapour is very high, pressure drops due to friction should be minimized. This is done by using twin- and single-drum arrangements in commercial systems.

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