Discuss conceptual views of managed object with reference to Internet perspective and OSI perspective.
1 Answer

Conceptual views of managed objects with refrence to internet and OSI perspective - A managed object in the internet model is defined by 5 parameters

  • Object identifies and deseriptor : unique ID and neve for the object type.

  • syntex : used to model the object

  • access : implementation requirements

  • definition : textual description of the sementies of object type

  • The internet object model is a scalor model and is easy to understand. in contrast, the OSI perspective of a managed object is complex and has a different set of characteristics.

  • OSI specifications are object oriented and hence a menaged object belongs to an object class

  • The attribute of an object defines the external perspective of the object.

  • An OSI managed object has following charecterstics

  • Object class : managed object

  • attributes : attributes visible at its boundary

  • operations : operations that can be applied to it

  • behaviour : behaviour exhibited by it is response to an operation

  • notification : notifications emitted by the object

  • operation in the internet model is done by get and set commands. notification is done by response and alarm messages.

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a) Internet Perspective

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b) OSI Perspective

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