What is the difference between Accounting Management and Performance management?

Subject : Telecom Network Management

Topic : Network Management Applications

1 Answer

Difference between accounting management and performance management.

From n/w perspective, performance takes into account details such as n/w load, device load, throughput, link capacity different traffic classes, congestion and accounting addresses usage data collection.

1. Collection interval - Data collection process for performance analysis should notify administrator immediately if thresholds are exceeded, so real time collection involved accounting data collection for billing does not have real time collection requirements expect for prepaid billing.

2. Accounting collection for billing purposes does not need to keep historical data sets, whereas performance management needs history data to analyze derivation from normal as well as trending functions.

3. Monitoring device utilization is a crucial component of performance monitoring whereas accounting management is interested in usage records. e.g. user's monitoring tool collects routing table of CISCO 2600 with 64MB of RAM and 4000 routers take about 25 minutes and utilizes 30 % of cell. Accounting application would not identify as issue is not amount to traffic transferred but device utilization. A performance monitoring application would identify this situation immediately and could report it to a fault application.

4. Misconfigured link - e..g. A logical connection between two routes was configured as a truck of three parallel links. for troubleshooting administrator shut down two links and only one link is operational, providing only 2/3 of BW, traffic would still go through and accounting records would be generated. two link issue identified by a performance monitoring tool.

5. Accounting management is always passive and performance monitoring can be passive or active. passive monitoring gathers performance date by implementing meters, it does not interfere with traffic in n/w.The active monitoring approach injects synthetic traffic into traffic into n/w to measure performance metrics such as availability.

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