Describe Two-Tier and Three-Tier network management organization model.

Subject : Telecom Network Management

Topic : OSI Network Management

2 Answers

The organization model describes the components of n/w management and their relationships below shows a representations of a two-tier model

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  • N/w objects consists of n/w elements such as hosts, hubs, bridges, routers etc They can be classified into managed and unmanaged objects of elements.

  • The managed elements have a management process winning in them, The manager communicates with the agent in the managed elements

  • The manager managed the managed element , there is a databases in the manager but not in agent The manager queried & received management data from agent processors them and stored in database. The agent can also send a minimal set of inf t manager unsolicited.

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  • In three tier configuration , the intermediate layer acts as both agents & manager. Manager collects data from n/w elements, processes them and stored result in database.

  • As agent, it transmits information to top lower manager eg, an intermediate system is used for making statistical measurements on a n/w & posses information as a needed to top level manager.

  • An intermediate NMS could be at a local site of a n/w & the information is pressed to a remote site.

  • Network domains can be managed locally and a global view of networks can be monitored by a manager of managers (MOM)

enter image description here

  • This configuration uses an enterprise NMS and is applicable to organizations with sites distributed across cities

How can routers be managed?

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