What is MIB?

This question appears in Mumbai University > Telecom Network Management subject

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Management information base (MIB):

i. MIBs (Management Information Bases), tell what management information exists

• MIB-I: RFC 1156

• MIB-II: RFC 1213

ii. The representation of objects and information that are relevant to their management forms the management information model.

iii. Information on network components is passed between the agent and management processes. The information model specifies the information base to describe managed objects and the relationship between managed objects.

iv. The structure defining the syntax and semantics of management information is specified by Structure of Management Information (SMI). The information base is called the Management Information Base (MIB).

v. The MIB is used by both agent and management processes to store and exchange management information. The MIB associated with an agent is called an agent MIB and the MIB associated with a manager is designated as the manager MIB.

vi. The manager MIB consists of information on all the network components that it manages; whereas the MIB associated with an agent process needs to know only its local information, its MIB view.

vii. For example, a county may have many libraries. Each library has an index of all the books in that location—its MIB view.

viii. However, the central index at the county's main library, which manages all other libraries, has the index of all books in all the county's libraries—global manager MIB view.

ix. The manager has both the management database (MDB) and the MM.

x. The MIB is a virtual database and contains the information necessary for processes to exchange information among themselves.


  • Information base contains information about objects
  • Organized by grouping of related objects
  • Defines relationship between objects
  • It is NOT a physical database. It is a virtual database that is compiled into management module.


  • MIB-II is the most important management group of SNMP
  • Each device (which supports SNMP) supports MIB-II as well
  • RFC1213-MIB defined the branch of mib-2’s OIDs
  • Defined base on SMIv1
  • Mib-2 defined as, iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.1 and

Network Configuration with data and Information Base

Network Configuration with data and Information Base

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