written 5.8 years ago by |
Figure is VHDL description of the laser-based distance measurer controller/datapath from figure.
The entity, named LaserDistMeasure defines the inputs and outputs, including a user-pressed button input B, a laser sensor input S, a laser control output L, and a 16-bit output D for the distance measured. The entity also defines a 300 MHz clock input clk and reset input rst for the design's controller.
The LaserDistMeasurer's architecture structurally describes the connections of the controller and datapath components. The architecture instantiates two components. LDM_Controller _1 is the controller for the laser-based distance measurer and LDM_Data-path_1 is the datapath for this design.
The architecture connects the entity's clk, rst, B and S inputs to the inputs of LDM_Controller_1 and connects the controller's laser control output to the corresponding output port L. Additionally, the four signals Dreg_clr, Dreg_ld, Dctr_clr and Dctr_ld connect the controller's four control signals to the four inputs od LDM_Datapath_1. The LaserDistMeasurer datapath has a single output D, providing the distance measured, that is connected to the output port D of the entity.