What are the different configurations of VSAT network? What are their advantages and disadvantages ?

Subject : Satellite Communication and Networks

Topic : Satellite Applications

1 Answer

A VSAT stands for very small aperture terminal typically with small antenna of 30 cm to 3.8 m in diameter mounted on rooftop of business premises.

VSAT’s typically operate at c and Ku band.There are two different configurations of VSAT networks:

  1. Star network configuration
  2. Mesh network configuration

In star network configuration VSAT’s are connected to central hub station via satellite.

In mesh network configuration VSAT’s are connected from one group to another VSAT group directly via satellite without hub station.

Advantages of VSAT's:

  1. Unlimited range,direct satellite connectivity
  2. can be located on remote places which is not covered by terrestrial network.
  3. High system reliability,flexibility
  4. Short deployment time,easily manageable and low cost maintained.

Disadvantages of VSAT's:

  1. Only limited capacity of handling information
  2. Operation of VSAT network are largely affected by environmental issues.
  3. Low power operation puts restriction on power handling and its usage.
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