Explain the fabrication process steps for microheater. State its advantages over conventional macro sized heater.

Mumbai University > Electronics Engineering > Sem 8 > MEMS Technology

Marks: 10M

1 Answer

Fabrication of micro heater on silicon oxide membrane.

Two inch double sided polished [100] P-type wafer is used to fabricate this micro heater.

Microheater fabrication consists following steps.

1.Wafer cleaning

  • Switch the exhaust of chemical hood. Wear protective gown, google, mouth mask, head cap just before starting work on wet bench. Take 2 quartz beakers, 1 measuring cylinder, wafer holder and wash with DI [deionised] wafer.

  • Clean the wafer with RCA - 1 solution. The RCA - 1 cleaning removes surface contaminants such as dust, grease and silicon gel from the wafer.

  • The RCA -2 cleaning removes metallic contaminants from the wafer.

2.WET oxidation

  • Switch on the mains of thermal wet oxidation furnace to grow 1000 nm oxide layer. Ramp up furnace temperature to $500^oc$ and pass nitrogen gas [0.5 liter/min] into the furnace to create inert nitrogen atmosphere.

  • Then load the wafers into furnace and ramp up furnace temperature from$ 500^oc$ to $1100^oc$

  • Now pass oxygen gas [ 1 liter/min ] directly into the furnace for 10 minutes for dry oxidation. After 10 minutes stop direct supply of oxygen gas into the furnace and pass oxygen through the water bubbler for 3 hrs for wet oxidation.

  • After 3 hrs, stop oxygen supply and pass nitrogen gas [ 0.5 liter/min ] Ramp down the furnace temperature at $37^oc$ and unload the wafers. This oxide is used as a hard mask during the KOH etching process.

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3.Top layer lithography

  • Top side of oxidized wafer is coated with SU 8 photo-resist at 4000 rpm for 40 sec and pre baked at $125^oc$ for 1 min for top layer pattern transferring double sided EVG 620 mask aligner was used.

  • The UV bulb is switched on for 10 min for stabilization. Mask is loaded according to procedure.

  • Wafer is loaded and aligned with the mask the mask pattern is transferred onto the coated photo-resist by UV exposure

  • The pattern is then developed in a MF2CA developer solution for 1 min and rinsed with DI water followed by nitrogen drying.

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4.Platinum deposition and lift off: 200 nm platinum was deposited after lithography process by sputtering method.

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5.Silicon nitride deposition

  • 80nm silicon nitride was deposited as a hard mask for bulk silicon etching

  • After deposition nitride was annealed in a polymer annealing furnace at $7000^oc$ for 45 min in nitrogen ambient flow rate of nitrogen was 0.5 lit/min

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6.Back side membrane patterning and oxide etching

  • Back side of oxidized wafer was coated with SU 8 photoresist at 4000 rpm for 40 sec and pre baked at $125^oc$ for 1 min

  • For membrane pattern was aligned with respect to top layer position pattern by double/sided EVG620 mask aligner

  • The UV bulb is switched on for 10 min for stabilization. mask is loaded according to procedure.

  • Wafer is loaded and aligned with the mask

  • The mask pattern is then developed in a MF26A developer solution for 1 min and rinsed with DI water followed by nitrogen drying

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  • After lithography silicon oxide was etched using 1:3 buffered HF [ BHF ] solution followed by DI water rinse and nitrogen drying photo-resist was removed by dipping in acetone for 1 min followed by IPA dip and nitrogen drying.

  • Etch rate of oxide in 1:3 BHF is 300 nm/min

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7.Silicon etching using KOH + IPA nad TMAH solution

  • Etch rate of silicon in KOH + IPA is 50 micron/hour and etch rate of silicon oxide is 150 nm/hour

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8.Silicon nitride etching using BHF solution

  • Silicon nitride was etched using 1:3 BHF solution by dipping for 10 secs

  • After etching of silicon nitride layer wafer was thoroughly rinsed with DI water and dried with nitrogen.

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  • Top view of the micro - heater after fabrication:

enter image description here

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