What is wireless Sensor Network.
1 Answer

Wireless Sensor Network

  • Wireless sensor network (WSN) is the one form of system or setup in which multiple sensor nodes are interconnected with each other through the wireless communication medium.
  • Each sensor node is the tiny energy-bounded, multifunctional device which collects data from its nearby environment then performs some sort of computation on collected data.
  • Then send all this gathered data towards the main base station or sink.
  • Sensor nodes also have controlling authority of the whole network at a certain extent of point using this sensor nodes communicate with each other efficiently.
  • Sensor nodes are made from four main constituents such as sensor unit, microcontroller unit, communication unit and power resource.
  • In WSN, sensors are positioned at different places in the network.
  • The main benefit of WSN is despite placement at any location of sensor nodes transfer of data is carried out efficiently through intermediate nodes which act as routers to transfer data from one point to other points between the sensor nodes.
  • Wireless mode of the network smoothen the monitoring process on the sensor node.
  • The number of sensor nodes in WSNs may be large and densely deployed to provide a high degree of density and scalability in various applications.
  • Sensor nodes can freely, randomly travel at different speeds in a few applications and sometimes may fail to operate, to add, or to replace. Hence, create different dynamic network topology in WSN.
  • WSNs use different communication models like flat, hierarchical, distributed WSNs, homogeneous, and heterogeneous WSNs.
  • WSN is application-specific means the architecture of WSN is based on application.
  • Nodes of WSN are smaller in size and get power from the batteries which show WSN can work with resource constraint environment.
  • Cross-layer optimization, cooperating with node failure, network throughput, energy efficiency, quality of service, security issues, and performance are some of the challenging parameters for WSN.
  • Hence, WSN is used in different fields like military, industry, wild-life monitoring, health care, agriculture, weather monitoring, tracking, home automation, security, etc.
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