Draw symbol of pneumatic time delay valve and explain its application with suitable circuit.
1 Answer
  • When valve 1.2 is manually actuated, pilot operated valve 1.1 is shifted in position 1 which brings the forward stroke of the DAC A.
  • The end of the forward stroke is sensed by the roller operated valve 1.4 which can start the return stroke of the piston by shifting valve 1.1 to 0 position.
  • However the return stroke is delayed by time delay valve 1.3 by certain time which can be adjusted.
  • As soon as the signal pressure in the time delay valve reaches the adjusted value of spring force of air operated 3/2 DCV, the valve opens and passes the signal to main pilot operated DCV 1.1 which resets and cylinder retracts after a particular dwell time.

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1) Bottle filing system

2) Small component assemblies


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