Enlist applications of hydraulic system. OR State applications of hydraulic system.
1 Answer

1 Industrial: Plastic processing machineries, steel making and primary metal extraction applications, automated production lines, machine tool industries, paper industries, loaders, crushes, textile machineries, R & D equipment and robotic systems etc.

2 Mobile hydraulics: Tractors, irrigation system, earth moving equipment, material handling equipment, commercial vehicles, tunnel boring equipment, rail equipment, building and construction machineries and drilling rigs etc.

3 Automobiles: It is used in the systems like breaks, shock absorbers, steering system, wind shield, lift and cleaning etc.

4 Marine applications: It mostly covers ocean going vessels, fishing boats and navel equipment.

5 Aerospace equipment: There are equipment and systems used for rudder control, landing gear, breaks, flight control and transmission etc. which are used in airplanes, rockets and spaceships.

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