written 8.6 years ago by | modified 3.0 years ago by |
Mumbai University >Information Technology>Sem7>Cloud Computing
Marks: 5 M
Year: May2014
written 8.6 years ago by | modified 3.0 years ago by |
Mumbai University >Information Technology>Sem7>Cloud Computing
Marks: 5 M
Year: May2014
written 8.6 years ago by |
Web Role:
1) Each role has IIS7 preconfigured.
2) User can interact with the application using web role.
3) Web role instances accept HTTP or HTTPS requests via Internet Information Services 7 (IIS) and respond with ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC or SilverLight UI.
4) It is a web application or Windows Communication Foundation Framework (WCF) with HTTP/HTTPS endpoints.
5) It allows developers to develop applications in interpreted languages like C++, PHP by setting enableNativeCodeExecution attribute to True in ServiceDefinition code file.
Worker Role:
1) Worker roles provide batch computing service in response to request messages received from WebRoles or .NET Services in SQL Azure Queues.
2) Worker roles cannot accept inbound connections from external network, so they must use Azure Queues to communicate with web roles or .NET services.
3) They do not have IIS configured inside.
4) Developer is free to use any technology.
5) It exposes internal and external endpoints and calls external interfaces and also runs on totally different VM.
6) It inherits from class Microsoft,WindowsAzure Service,RoleEntryPoint.