Write the causes and remedies for the following : (i) Excess heat in oil (ii) Noisy pump (iii) Low pressure in system.
1 Answer
Causes Remedies
(i) Excessive heat in oil 1. Check up system pressure and correct it to designed value 2. Check up oil viscosity and replace oil is needed. 3. Inspect the cooling system and set right if found faulty 4. Use proper pipe layout 5. Arrange proper protection from ambient atmosphere
(ii) Noisy pump 1. clean filter in inlet line or replace defective filter 2. adjust drive motor to correct rpm if pimp speed is to high 3. check the fluid temperature if oil is too cold, warm-up 4. Pump shaft seal may be damaged. To be replaced. 5. Oil level in reservoir may be down-too up to the specified level.
(iii) Low pressure in system 1. Identify the source of leakage and stop leakage 2. May be PRV stuck open pipeline inlet and return line damaged. 3. Set the valves correctly 4. Sources of contamination to be detected and stopped. 5. Defective or damaged accumulator needs to be replaced.
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