Explain the need for session tracking and list various session tracking techniques.
1 Answer
  1. Maintaining user state is one of the fundamental requirements in e-commerce applications.
  2. Maintaining session data in web based e-commerce system is difficult since HTTP is a stateless.
  3. Two main issues include: i. Assign and map a shopping cart to user. ii. To keep track of shopping cart and its contents.
  4. This means that by using only stateless HTTP, a web server does not come to know whether the current request is from a previous client or from a new client.
  5. In an e-commerce application, a user may add items to a shopping cart and then browse another web site from a while before returning back to the shopping cart again.
  6. The challenge here is how to get back the previous shopping cart, in order to continue shopping instead of restarting from beginning.
  7. To address above mentioned issues, we make use of session tracking.
  8. Various session tracking techniques include:
  9. Hidden Form Field
  10. URL Rewriting.
  11. HTTP User Authorization.
  12. Cookies.
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