Explain GPRS Data Services and Bearer Services. OR List and describe briefly data services in GPRS. OR Describe data services used in GPRS.


List bearer services provided in GPRS and describe each of them.

Subject: Mobile Computing

Difficulty: Medium

Marks: 8 Marks

1 Answer

Wide range of corporate and consumer applications are enable by GPRS services. GPRS Service include all normal GSM services but in more efficient way. It also support services like

  • Email
  • Web browsing
  • Enhanced short message
  • Wireless imaging with instant picture
  • Video service
  • Document and information sharing

A user is likely to use either of the two modes of the GPRS network.

These are

  1. Application mode

  2. Tunneling mode

1.Application Mode:

  • In this mode the user will be using the GPRS mobile phone to access the application running on the phone itself.
  • The phone here acts as the end user devices.
  • All GPRS phone have web browser as embedded application.
  • This browser allows browsing of web sites.
  • Some GPRS device support mobile execution environment.

2. Tunneling Mode:

  • This mode is for mobile computing where the user will use the GPRS interface as an access to the network.
  • The end user device will be a large footprint device like laptop computer or small foot print device like PDA .
  • The MS will be connected to the device and used as a modem to access the wireless data network.


GPRS Bearer Services: GPRS is a wireless extension of data networks. It can access to data networks, such as IP-based networks (public internet, private intranet, IPv4 and IPv6 protocols) and X.25 based networks.

GPRS upgrades GSM data services and provides the following services:

  1. Point-to-point (PTP) service: internet working with the Internet (IP protocols)and X.25 networks.

  2. Point-to-multipoint (PTM) service: point-to-multipoint multicast and point-to-multipoint group calls.

  3. SMS service: bearer for SMS

  4. Anonymous service: anonymous access to predefined services

  5. Future enhancements: flexible to add new functions, such as more capacity, moreusers, new accesses, new protocols, new radio networks.

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