List the time study equipments and its uses.

Subject: Production Engineering and Robotics

Difficulty: Medium

Marks: 4 Marks

1 Answer

1. Time Stop watch

When a stop watch is used as a work measurement technique to record times and rates of working for the element of specified job carried out under specified conditions and for analyzing the data so as to obtain the time necessary to carry a specified job at specified level of performance is referred to as stopwatch.

2. Time study Board

It is a printed form with spaces provided for noting down the necessary information about the operation being studied, like name of operation, drawing number, and name of the worker, name of time study person, and the date and place of study.

3. Time study observation sheets

Used for holding the observation sheet and stopwatch in position.

4. Pencil, eraser, device like tachometer for checking the speed, etc.

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