State any four functions of production planning and control.

Subject: Production Engineering and Robotics

Difficulty: Medium

Marks: 4 Marks

1 Answer

Functions of PPC:

1.Function related to material selection.

2.Function related to selection of method.

3.Function related to selection of machines and equipment.

4.Routing: Routing concern with selection of path which raw material should follow to get transformed into finished product.

5.Estimating: In relation with method and routing this function determines the standard time for operation to set performance standard.

6.Loading: Assignment to different workstation is called loading.

7.Scheduling: Scheduling is the establishing amount of work to be done and fixed starting and completion time of each operation.

8.Dispatching: Dispatching is nothing but execution of planning. It is a function to issue work orders and instructions.

9.Expediting: It keeps closed watch on the progress of work.

10.Inspection: It checks actual production with production plan.

11.Evaluating: It is most essential link between control and future planning to improve the utilization of methods and facilities through feedback mechanism.

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