What is conservancy system and water carriage system?
1 Answer

Conservancy system:

• This is old system in which various types of wastes, such as night soil, garbage etc are collected separately in a vessels or deposited in a pools or pits and then removed periodically at least once in 24 hours.

• The conservancy system is highly unhygienic and causes insanitary condition.

• Transportation of night soil takes place in open carts through street and other crowded localities, this is highly undesirable.

• The working of the system entirely depend on the mercy of labour if they go on strike at least one day foul matter start creating smell which highly unhygienic.

• In present day world, when men has progressed much it is highly humiliating to ask human being to transport night soil in pails on their head.

Water carriage system:

• In this system, collection and conveyance and disposal of various wastes re carried out with the help of water.

• Thus water is used as a medium to convey the waste from its point of production to point of final disposal.

• Sufficient quantity of water is required to be mixed with waste so that dilution ratio is so great that the mixture may flow just like water.

• This system is very hygienic as night soil and other waste carried out through closed conduit which is not directly exposed to atmosphere.

• There is no chance of outbreak of epidemic because files & other insect do not have direct access to the sewage.

• The labour required for the operation and maintenance is extremely small.

• Initial cost of installation of this system is very high, the running cost are very small.

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