Explain the Gantt chart used in production planning and control. State its advantages and disadvantages.


Describe use of Gantt chart for scheduling and recording actual progress of work by considering suitable data.


Explain Gantt chart used in scheduling with suitable example.

Subject: Production Engineering and Robotics

Difficulty: Medium

Marks: 6 Marks

1 Answer

Gantt Chart:

  1. The Gantt chart is actually modified bar chart in which horizontal bars are drawn for each activity in proportion to the time required for completing it.
  2. It is frequently used to keep track of multiple machine schedules.
  3. This chart provides an immediate comparison between schedule and reality (i.e. planned work and actual progress of work.)
  4. This is achieved simply by marking the planned work and the actual progress of work on the chart.
  5. A cursor attached to Gantt chart can be moved across the chart to compare between the actual progress and planned work till any particular date.
  6. A typical Gantt chart is shown in following figure

enter image description here

Advantages of Gantt chart :

  1. It is simple graphical display techniques , suitable for less complex situations.
  2. It is extremely easy to understand.
  3. There is clarity in communicating important shop information by using Gantt chart
  4. It can quickly reveal the current or plan situation to all concerned.

Disadvantages of Gantt chart :

  1. The Gantt chart must be updated periodically to account for new jobs.
  2. It is used for communicate relatively less information.
  3. Required greater time to maintain.
  4. Lack of adequate depiction interrelationship between the separate tasks.
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