State any six techniques used for improving productivity. OR Explain any four techniques to improve the productivity of manufacturing firm.


Describe various techniques of improving productivity.


Explain technique for improving productivity.

Subject: Production Engineering and Robotics

Difficulty: Medium

Marks: 4 Marks

1 Answer

Technique for improving Productivity

a) Work Study: Work study aims two objectives one is to find out the best method of doing job and another one is to find the time taken to do it. This is done by breaking down the job into it various elements, eliminating all unnecessary movements and estimating the time taken to do this job with the help of stopwatch. Second aim is to ensure that all workers engaged in the job are trained to do it in the best way.

b) Human Relations: Good human relations help in co-operative behavior from workers which results in increase in productivity. Human relations can be improved by labour participation in goal setting, simplification in communication system minimizing the conflicts, encouragement and awarding rewards etc

c) Incentives: When incentives schemes are introduced in a firm, it results a considerable improvement in productivity. It is something that encouraged a worker to put in more productivity effort. Works will not give 100% unless their interest in work is created by some kind of reward.

d) Cost Control: Productivity can be increased by reducing the cost of production. This can be done by keeping careful watch over expenditure, reduction in wastage, reducing machine breakdown time, reducing waiting time for inventory avoiding excessive handling, minimizing overtime expenses etc.

e) Product design: A good design of product helps in economical and convenient manufacturing. It will also minimize wastage or scrap and reduce the cost of production. In order to achieve high productivity, product design must be simple to understand, standardization and simplification increases the production efficiency, research and development contributes improvement in product design, product development reduces ineffective time due to change in design, design must considered the current the current available technology.

f) Working Conditions or ergonomics: It is nothing but the design the man machine system in such a way that to ensure high productivity and safety of workers. Working conditions like lighting, ventilation, working hours, supervision etc definitely affects the productivity. Also water facility, sitting room, bathroom, and toilets in sufficient numbers are considered to maintain working conditions. To motivate workers productivity related statement are displayed in a firm such that workers can read it frequently.

g) Management by objectives: It is process where the superior and subordinate management jointly identify common goal and define individual responsibility in terms of results expected from him

h) Total Quality Management: By this it obtained the greater customer satisfaction, fewer defects and less waste improved profitability and increased productivity.

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