Explain the development services and applications of cloud
1 Answer
  • Cloud computing can support nearly any application. But some workloads are a better fit for cloud from a business or technical perspective.

  • Applications:

    a. Development and Testing: Speed up development with self-service deployment of technology stacks on cloud infrastructure.

    b. Disaster Recovery: Lower the cost of business continuity while consolidating data centers.

    c. Batch and Big Data: Access elastic compute capacity for cost-efficient computing and big data analytics

    d. Marketing Campaigns: Respond quickly to market opportunities with scalable and resilient campaigns at lower costs.

    e. Web, Mobile and Social Media: Engage customers with innovative applications built for global scale and flexibility.

  • Some of the common cloud computing companies include IBM (IaaS), Google (Cloud Software), Amazon Web Services (IaaS), CipherCloud (Cloud Security), Microsoft (IaaS), Zoho (Cloud Software), Salesforce.com (Cloud Software and Development)

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