What do you understand by updating of project? What information is required while updating? Explain the step wise procedure of updating.
1 Answer

Updating is a process which involves comparison between actual execution and original plan at regular if required take necessary action to set things back on schedule, hence it requires upward flow of information.

It all activities are progressing as per schedule then updating is not required about this seldom occurs.

When to update

  1. Updating is done whenever there is a major change in duration of any activity.

  2. For short duration project frequency of updating in high from initial stages only because any kind of delay can not be absorbed later on. For large duration projects, the frequency of updating increases toward the completion of project because an initial stage small amount of delay can be absorbed later on.

Data required for updating:

The following information is necessary to update the plan at intermediate stage of execution of project.

  1. Original network

  2. Progress report

  3. Calculated chart

Updating procedure

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