written 5.7 years ago by |
Every accident results in loss of invaluable life or property, injury to worker, loss of equipment’s, loss of time etc. Thus accident involves factors which tend to increase the cost of the construction work which are classified as Tangible cost and Intangible cost.
Construction accidents can be classified under the following groups
According to causes of occurrence
According to nature of injury sustained
- Temporary disablement
- Partial Disablement
- Total Disablement
- Death
According to severity of injury
- Minor accident
- Major accident
- Accident Hazard
The causes of accidents have been grouped according to their nature:
Planning, organization
- Defect in technical planning
- Fixing unsuitable time limit
- Assigning work to incompetent worker
- Insufficient or defective supervision of the work
- Lack of co-operation
Execution of work
- Construction defects
- Use of unsuitable material
- Defective processing of material
- Lack of equipment
- Unsuitable equipment
- Defect in equipment
- Lack of safety device or measures
Management and conduct of work
- Inadequate preparation of work
- Inadequate examination of equipment
- Improper supervision by supervisor
- Unskilled and untrained operatives
Worker’s Behavior
- Irresponsible acts
- Unauthorized act
Safety measures to be suggested at construction project site are:
- Clear separation of traffic from construction zone during roadway rehabilitation can greatly reduce the possibility of accidental collision.
- Educating workers and managers.
- Prequalification of contractors and sub-contractors with regards to safety is another avenue for safety improvement.
Safety program should be developed as a culture of the company. It should be at all times, at all places and all types of work.
Every employee of the company should think and work about safety. Supervisors and managers play a very important role in safety management. The workers should feel that the safely constraints are for their betterment. A company can develop its own plan and culture.
Company should prepare comprehensive guideline for different personnel and processes. Following guidelines can be prepared.
Behavioural approaches to safety and health:
- Guidelines for top managers.
- Guidelines for superintendents of project.
- Guidelines for foreman manager.
- Guidelines for workers.
Physical approaches to safety and health
- Education and training in correct methods and procedures.
- Utilization of safety certified tools in well condition.
- Use of equipment for personal protection such as hard hats, seat belt, ear plugs, etc.
- Good housekeeping on job sites.
- Frequent and thorough job site inspections by knowledgeable and objective professionals.
- Incorporation of safety review.