Laterally supported and unsupported beam
1 Answer

A structural member sub to transversed load is called as beam

  • when beam is provided in building to support roof called as IOISTS
  • beam which carry roof load in tausses are called as peulines

2) Type of section for beam

1.most preferable section I section (ISWB ISMB) ISMB)

  1. Built up section

  2. plated section

3) Classification of cls

  1. Plastic section

  2. comparted section

  3. Semi-compacted section

  4. Slender section

[based on section modules ZP & Ze]

4)laterally restrain beam

A beam in which compression flange is restrain laterally is called laterally restrain beam

$\lt \frac{1.5\times Ze \times fy}{\gamma \ mo}$ for camtilever beam,

ii) if V$\gt 0.6 \times vd $ Then IS pg 7009.22

md =mdv

where mdv=design bending strenght under high shera

a) mdv=md-B(md-mfd)$\lt \frac{1.2\ast Ze\ast fy}{\gamma mo }$ for plastic & compact section

b) mdv =$\frac{Ze\ast fy}{\gamma mo}$ for semi compart section

md $\gt$ m

mfg=$\frac{Zfd\ast fy}{\gamma mo}$

Zfd=zp-$\frac{Aw \ast D}{4}$


1) web buckling IS pg 67 IS pg 78 mole

2) web cripling

3) deflection


fwc=$[(\frac{b1+b2)\ast tw]\ast fyw}{\gamma mo}$


$b_{1}$=75 to 100mm




sactual $\lt$ $\int$ limit-permisible


1) $\frac{\int}{act}=\frac{wl^{3}}{48EI}$(simply supported point load)

2) $\frac{\int}{act}=\frac{5 wl^{4}}{384 EI}$ (9.5 subjected to udl)

w= working load

E= 2$\times 10^{5}N/mm^{2}$

I=mI about xx axis

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