Explain Xaas for cloud

Mumbai University >Information Technology>Cloud Computing

Marks: 10 M

Year: May 2014

1 Answer
  • XaaS is a collective term said to stand for a number of things including "X as a service," "anything as a service" or "everything as a service."

  • The acronym refers to an increasing number of services that are delivered over the Internet rather than provided locally or on-site.

  • Everything-as-a-Service, or XaaS, originated as software-as-a-service (SaaS) and has since expanded to include services such as infrastructure-as-a-service, platform-as-a-service, storage-as-a-service, desktop-as-a-service, disaster recovery-as-a-service, and even nascent operations like marketing-as-a-service and healthcare-as-a-service.

  • XaaS or ‘anything as a service’ is the delivery of IT as a Service through hybrid Cloud computing and is a reference to either one or a combination of Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS). Communications as a service (CaaS) or monitoring as a service (Maas).

XaaS brings with it at least three big advantages:

  1. Flexible scaling

    • The beauty in outsourcing just about every technology-related business process is that you won’t be bearing the true costs of up- or down-scaling your processes and operations in response to strategic or business changes. That burden will fall to your XaaS provider.
  2. Access to evergreen technology

    • Technological evolution has long since been barreling along at an exponential pace. Sadly, for most of us, our budgets only increase linearly, if at all. Keeping up with new developments is difficult less from an implementation perspective and more from a cost perspective. XaaS changes that for you, the end user, because, as before, the burden of keeping up with advances lies with the provider and not with you. The key idea here is that making good use of XaaS means that your operations stay evergreen at no extra cost!
  3. Integrating everything

    • XaaS lets technology professionals concentrate on what they do best. “XaaS offers great opportunity for the IT department to redirect focus to more forward-thinking and strategic initiatives while confidently leveraging XaaS offerings.

Examples of major XaaS’s

The _aaS What it stands for What it does
DRaaS Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service Recovers not just data, but also all the infrastructure and applications that were in place prior to man-made or natural disaster. Ensures business continuity.
DaaS Desktop-as-a-Service A virtual desktop managed over the cloud, the provider maintains and upgrades desktop apps for customers. The provider typically secures, stores, and backs up its customers’ data.
PaaS Platform-as-a-Service Actually provides the end user with a full development platform with which to create, run, and host her or his own applications. Likely the best-known PaaS is the Google App Engine that allows end users to fully develop using Python, Java, PHP, and Go.
IaaS Infrastructure-as-a-Service Exactly what it says in the acronym: IaaS is a situation wherein the end user installs virtually nothing onsite. Servers, storage, networks – and so on and so forth – are completely outsourced and held elsewhere.
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