Write a short note on particle reinforced composites
1 Answer

Particle reinforced composite :

Particles are made from metal powder, mineral powder, ceramic powder & carbon black. Particles increases elasticity modulus & decreases ductility & permeability. It also produces inexpensive composite material.

i) Large particle composite: Its features are as follows

  1. Particulate phase is harder & stiffer than matrix phase.
  2. There is restriction of movement of matrix phase surrounding the dispersed phase.
  3. Matrix phase transfer some of the applied stress to the particles.
  4. The strength of bonding between matrix phase & dispersed phase at the interface decides the mechanical properties.


Material Matrix Dispersed Properties Uses
1.Concrete cement Sand & gravel Harder & stronger than plain cement Construction purpose
2.Oxide based cermets Cr Al2O3 Good strength & good shock resistance properties Shock resistant equipment
3.Carbide based cermets Co & Ni 1.WC &TiC 1.increases surface hardness Wire drawing, dyes& machine parts
Co & Ni 2.CrC 2. High abrasion & resistance resistance Valves, Spray nozzles & pump parts
4.Modern rubber Vulcanized rubber Carbon black,(Stiffer) Enhancement in mechanical properties Used in automobile industry for making tires
5.Spherodized steel α Iron( ductile) Fe3C cementite(brittle) Ductility of composite decreases Spherical steel structure for fixing tires
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