Describe any four limitations of manual testing
1 Answer

Limitations of Manual Testing are as given below :

  • Manual testing is slow and costly

  • It is very labor intensive, it takes a long time to complete tests.

  • Manual tests don‘t scale well. As the complexity of the software increases the complexity of the testing problem grows exponentially. This leads to an increase in total time devoted to testing as well as total cost of testing.

  • Manual testing is not consistent or repeatable. Variations in how the tests are performed as inevitable, for various reasons. One tester may approach and perform a certain test differently from another, resulting in different results on the same test, because the tests are not being performed identically.

  • Lack of training is the common problem, although not unique to manual software testing.

  • GUI objects size difference and color combinations are not easy to find in manual testing. Not suitable for large scale projects and time bound projects.

  • Batch testing is not possible, for each and every test execution Human user interaction is mandatory.

  • Comparing large amount of data is impractical.

  • Processing change requests during software maintenance takes more time.


Limitations of manual testing:

  • Time consuming process: manual testing consumes much time because most pf test operations or test case are repeated again and again.

  • Limited support for regression testing: when one portion of software is changed then regression testing is performed to ensure that other portions are not infected by the recent change .in this process entire testing is repeated which take more time.

  • Error Prone Testing: as test process is repeated several times test engineers become bored which may result in missing some important test case and leads to release defective software.

  • Impractical performance testing: In doing performance testing of any client server application resources like people and computers are required. client applications has to be installed on several machines and it is supposed to be tested by one person to see the performance of whole software which is very tedious and time consuming task

  • Non consistent: Manual testing process is not consistent as testing methods and approaches applied by every person are not remaining same. This produces different result on same test so variation in test process in unavoidable. There is no standardization Limited scope: not suitable for the time bounded and large scale projects as scope of manual testing is very limited as compared to automated testing. As the size of software

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