What is the difference between static & dynamic testing tool ?
1 Answer
Static testing tool Dynamic testing tool
These tools are used by developers as part of the development and component testing process These tools require the code to be in a “running state”
code is not executed or run but tool itself is executed They analyse rather than testing
It is extension of compiler technology They also help to understand background processes
It also perform static analysis of requirement or analysis of website These tool used by developed in component integration testing,, middle ware , testing robustness and security.
Helps to understand the structure of the code and can also be useful to enforce coding standards. Also performs web site testing to check whether each link does actually link to something else, it can find dead links .
Features /characteristics of static testing tools are:  Checks cyclomatic complexity  Enforces coding standards  Analyse structures and dependencies  Helpful in understanding coding  Identify defects in code. Features/characteristics of static testing tools are:  Detect memory leak  Identify pointer arithmetic errors , null pointer  Identify time dependence.
Examples. Flow analyzer, path tests, coverage analyzers, Interface analyzers coverage analyzers, Interface analyzers Examples. Test driver, Test beds, Emulators, Mutation analyzers
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