Net Section rupture
1 Answer

The rupture of the member when the net c/s member reaches ultimate stress

Plates- Tdn=$\frac{0.9Anfu}{\gamma m l}$

Single Angles -Tdn=$\frac{0.9 Axfu}{\gamma ml}+\frac{\beta.Agofy}{\gamma mo}$

$\frac{Gross \ section}{Tdg}=\frac{Agfy}{\gamma mo}$

block shear-Segment of block of material at the end of member shear act due to the possible use of high bearing strenght of steel & high strenght bolt resulting in the smaller connection length

block shera failure of a member occurs with tearing of net tention face along the path and yielding on gross shear & perpendicular plane

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block shear-

$Tdb_{1}=Avg .\frac{fg}{\sqrt{3}.rmo} +0.9 Afn \frac{fu}{\gamma ml}$


$Tdh_{2}=(0.9vnfu/\sqrt{3}\gamma ml)+Afg fy/\gamma mo$

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