Describe how to select testing tool.
1 Answer

Criteria for Selecting Test Tools:

The Categories for selecting Test Tools are,

  1. Meeting requirements;
  2. Technology expectations;
  3. Training/skills;
  4. Management aspects.


  1. Meeting requirementsThere are plenty of tools available in the market but rarely do they meet all the requirements of a given product or a given organization. Evaluating different tools for different requirements involve significant effort, money, and time. Given of the plethora of choice available, huge delay is involved in selecting and implementing test tools.

  2. Technology expectationsTest tools in general may not allow test developers to extends/modify the functionality of the framework. So extending the functionality requires going back to the tool vendor and involves additional cost and effort. A good number of test tools require their libraries to be linked with product binaries.

  3. Training/skillsWhile test tools require plenty of training, very few vendors provide the training to the required level. Organization level training is needed to deploy the test tools, as the user of the test suite are not only the test team but also the development team and other areas like configuration management.
  4. Management aspectsA test tool increases the system requirement and requires the hardware and software to be upgraded. This increases the cost of the already- expensive test tool.


Guidelines for selecting a tool:

  1. The tool must match its intended use. Wrong selection of a tool can lead to problems like lower efficiency and effectiveness of testing may be lost.
  2. Different phases of a life cycle have different quality-factor requirements. Tools required at each stage may differ significantly.
  3. Matching a tool with the skills of testers is also essential. If the testers do not have proper training and skill then they may not be able to work effectively.
  4. Select affordable tools. Cost and benefits of various tools must be compared before making final decision.
  5. Backdoor entry of tools must be prevented. Unauthorized entry results into failure of tool and creates a negative environment for new tool introduction.
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