With the suitable example, explain how Basis Path Testing is used to derive the code complexity for the testing.
1 Answer

Basis path testing is the structural testing technique:

  • Path testing is based on control structure of the program for which flow graph is prepared

  • Path testing requires complete knowledge of the programs structure.

  • Path testing is closer to the developer and used by him to test his module.

  • The effectiveness of path testing gets reduced with te increase in size of software under test.

  • Choose enough paths in a program such that maximum logic coverage is achieved.

Branch Coverage, code coverage, line coverage is also called as basis path testing. Attempting to cover all the paths in the software is called basis path testing. It‘s the actual structural testing which is the part of static white box testing. So many times static white box testing is called basis path testing.

The simplest form of path testing is called branch coverage testing. To check all the possibilities of the boundary and the sub boundary conditions and it‘s branching on those values. Test coverage criteria requires enough test cases such that each condition in a decision takes on all possible

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