Describe technical review under static testing.
1 Answer

Technical Review:

i. Formal Review:

  • A formal review is the process under which static white box testing is performed .

  • A formal review can range from a simple meeting between two programmers to a detailed, rigorous inspection of the code.

There are four essential elements to a formal review

  1. Identify Problems:

  2. Follow Rules:

  3. Prepare: -

  4. Write a Report:

ii. Peer Reviews:

  • The easiest way to get team members together and doing their first formal reviews of t he software is through peer reviews, the least formal method.

  • Sometimes called buddy reviews, this method is really more of a discussion.

  • Peer reviews are often held with just the programmer who wrote the code and one or two other programmers or testers acting as reviewers.

  • Small group simply reviews the code together and looks for problems and oversights.

  • To assure that the review is highly effective all the participants need to make sure that the four key elements of a formal review are in place: Look for problems, follow rules, prepare for the review, and write a report.

  • As peer reviews are informal , these elements are often scaled back. Still, just getting together to discuss the code can find bugs

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