A spectrum of 30MHz IS allocated to a wireless FDD cellular system which uses two 25 hHz.

Simplex channels to provide full duplex voice and control channels. Compute the number of channels available per cell if a system uses,

a) Four cell reuse

b) Seven cell reuse

c) 12 cell reuse

d) 13 cells reuse

Subject : Mobile Communication

Topic : Cellular Communication System

Difficulty : Medium

1 Answer

Cellular system : FDD

Total bandwidth : $30 MHZ$

Channel bandwidth = $25 Khz * 2 Simplex \ Channels$

= $50 Khz/duplex \ channels$


Total available channels = $\frac{30,000}{50}$ = $600 Channels$

  1. For N=4

Total no. of channels = $\frac{600}{4}$ = $150 Channels$ available per cell.

  1. For N=7

Total no. of channels = $\frac{600}{7}$ = $85 Channels$ available per cell.

  1. For N=12

Total no. of channels = $\frac{600}{12}$ = $50 Channels$ available per cell.

  1. For N=13

Total no. of channels = $\frac{600}{13}$ = $46 Channels$ available per cell

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