Describe the concept of decision making and branching in activity diagram. OR Explain branching in activity diagram.


Explain decision making and branching in activity diagram.

Subject: Object Oriented Modeling and Design

Difficulty: Medium

Marks: 4 Marks

1 Answer

Decision Making and Branching: In an activity diagram, branching is used to show alternate path depending on the result of Boolean expression. In a system, some application processing may require flow of control based on Boolean expression.A branch may have one incoming transition and two or more outgoing transitions. On each outgoing transition,we place a Boolean expression,which is evaluated only once on entering the branch.Branching contains a decision box that holds Boolean expression. Depending on result of expression one of the branches is executed.

Notation: Diamond Shape is used for Decision and branches are represented by lines. The condition written in diamond is the decision criteria. Lines representing branches has guard condition with it.


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