Explain circuit switching, packet switching and message switching.
1 Answer
Sr. No. Function Message Switching Circuit Switching Packet Switching
1. Concept In message switching, each switch stores the whole message and forwards it to the next switch. Although, we don't see message switching at lower layers, it is still used in some applications like electronic mail (e-mail). When you or your computer places a telephone call, the switching equipment within the telephone system seeks out a physical path all the way from your telephone to the receiver’s telephone. This technique is called circuit switching. With this technology, packets are sent as soon as they are available.
2. Store and forward transmission Yes No Yes
3. Terminal Telegraph, teletype Telephone, modem Computer
4. Information representation Morse, Baudot, ASCII Analog Voice or PCM digital voice Any binary information
5. Transmission system Digital over various media Analog and digital over various media Digital over various media
6. Addressing Geographical addresses Hierarchical numbering plan Hierarchical address space
7. Routing Manual routing Route selected during call setup Each packet routed independently
8. Multiplexing Character multiplexing, message multiplexing Circuit multiplexing Packet multiplexing shared media across networks
9. Basic User and Network Transmission of telegrams (Telegraph network) Bidirectional real time transfer of voice signals (Telephone network) Datagram and reliable stream service between computers (Internet).
10. Call setup No Required Not needed
11. Dedicated physical path Not required Yes No
12. Packets arrive in order - Yes No
13. Each packet follows the same route - Yes No
14. Bandwidth available - Fixed Dynamic
15. Time of possible congestion - At setup time On every packet
16. Potentially wasted Bandwidth - Yes No
17. Charging - Per minute Per packet

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