written 5.9 years ago by | • modified 5.9 years ago |
Subject: Object Oriented Modeling and Design
Difficulty: Medium
Marks: 4 Marks
written 5.9 years ago by | • modified 5.9 years ago |
Subject: Object Oriented Modeling and Design
Difficulty: Medium
Marks: 4 Marks
written 5.9 years ago by | • modified 5.9 years ago |
A component diagram shows the organization and dependencies among a set of components. Component diagram addresses the static implementation view of a system. It specifies set of components and their relationships. It involves modeling the physical things that reside on a node are represented as component such as executables, libraries, tables, files and documents.
1. Component: A component is a physical and replaceable part of the system that provides or uses set of interfaces. A component is shown as a rectangle with tabs. A component has name that distinguish it from other components. Name of the component is written as a text inside the rectangle.
2. Interfaces: A component can be connected with other components through interfaces. An interface is a collection of operations that are used to specify services of components. A component can provide an interface or can use services of a component. A full circle represents an interface created or provided by the component. A semi-circle represents a required interface.
3. Port: A port specifies an interaction point through which a component can communicate with its environment, other components or with its internal parts. Ports are represented using a square along the edge of a component. A port is often used to help expose required and provided interfaces of a component.
4. Dependencies A dependency exists between two elements. Changes to the definition of one element may cause changes to the other. It is represented as dashed line with an arrow.
5. Realization A component realizes an interface by providing service through interface. It is indicated with a dashed line and a hollow arrow head.
6. Connector It is a link that specifies communication between two or more classifiers.
Connectors are of two types
1.Delegation connector: A component realizes or uses an interface.A component can have internal parts. A part of a component can realize or use an interface. To show a connection among internal parts of a component and interface delegation connector is used.
2. Assembly connector: it is a connector between two or more parts or ports on parts that defines services provided by parts for other parts.