Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using equipment's and machineries at construction site.
1 Answer

The Advantages and Disadvantages of using equipment's and machineries at construction site are as follows:


  • They help increasing the rate of output through work progress with the best effective and efficient methods.
  • Reduce the overall construction costs especially for large contracts.
  • Tasks which are too heavy or too delicate for human muscles to do can be done easily by a machine or equipment.
  • Carry out activities which cannot be done manually or to do them more economically and much faster.
  • Maintain the planned rate of production where there is shortage of skilled or unskilled labor.
  • Maintain high quality standards often required by present-day design and specifications.
  • There can be mobility of labor i.e. in most industries machines used are similar. So labor can easily move from one industry to another.
  • Equipment that’s still got some life in it always has a resell or trade value.


  • Machinery has made the laborer’s work monotonous and irksome.
  • Only skilled labors can run successful operations on machines.
  • Buying brand new equipment can be very costly and affect
  • Many machine's are not considered for long term perspective , some are for short period.
  • Training workers to work on the new equipment also adds to the cost, as company has to invest in both workers and machines.
  • Taking care of storage, maintenance and transportation can also prove a challenge.
  • Frequent updates can be turned out to be a never-ending and pretty costly process.
  • Big factories pollute their surroundings and make them filthy and insanitary.
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