written 6.0 years ago by |
- Usually the selection of equipment on a particular project is based
on cumulative experience available in the organization both with the
concerned individual and in the form of documentation.
- From selection considerations the construction equipment's are classified as a) Standard equipment's. b) Special equipment's.
- Though there is no difference between these two but a equipment is common in use is called standard equipment while other is called special equipment.
- A concrete mixer is standard equipment while pre-stressing equipment may be considered as special equipment.
Standard Equipment's:
These are designed to meet the wide demand of the equipment users and to sell in large quantities at comparatively low prices.
A standard machine is the result of years of experience and therefore has considerable reliability in the operation.
A standard machine performs at fairly great difference in output and speed.
Availability and delivery of these are easy and fast and unit cost of production is less.
These are manufactured commonly and easily available from the dealers.
Special Equipment's:
These are generally manufactured to perform specialized operations. Such equipment's results in low wage cost and low capital costs per unit of output, when the plant operates at high capacity.
The initial equipment in such equipment is comparatively high and there is the risk of loss of investment in the equipment when radical design changes occur or the character of the demand changes.
Availability and delivery of these equipment's is difficult and delayed.
Special order has to be placed to get such equipment.These are fabricated as per requirement.
Unit cost of production is high.