Explain the utilization bound in task scheduling in light of Rate Monotonic Scheduling algorithm.
1 Answer
  • Rate monotonic scheduling Algorithm works on the principle of preemption.
    • Preemption occurs on a given processor when higher priority task blocked lower priority task from execution.
    • This blocking occurs due to priority level of different tasks in a given task set. rate monotonic is a preemptive algorithm which means if a task with shorter period comes during execution it will gain a higher priority and can block or preemptive currently running tasks.
    • In RM priorities are assigned according to time period. Priority of a task is inversely proportional to its timer period.
    • Task with lowest time period has highest priority and the task with highest period will have lowest priority.
    • A given task is scheduled under rate monotonic scheduling Algorithm, if its satisfies the following equation:

$$ \sum_{k=1}^n \frac{C_k}{T_k} \le U_{RM} = n (2^{1/n} - 1)$$

where n is the number of tasks in a task set.


For example, we have a task set that consists of three tasks as follows:

enter image description here

Table 1. Task set

U= 0.5/3 +1/4 +2/6 = 0.167+ 0.25 + 0.333 = 0.75

As processor utilization is less than 1 or 100% so task set is schedulable and it also satisfies the above equation of rate monotonic scheduling algorithm.

enter image description here

Figure 1. RM scheduling of Task set in table 1.

  • A task set given in table 1 it RM scheduling is given in figure 1. The explanation of above is as follows
  • According to RM scheduling algorithm task with shorter period has higher priority so T1 has high priority, T2 has intermediate priority and T3 has lowest priority. At t=0 all the tasks are released. Now T1 has highest priority so it executes first till t=0.5. At t=0.5 task T2 has higher priority than T3 so it executes first for one-time units till t=1.5. After its completion only one task is remained in the system that is T3, so it starts its execution and executes till t=3. At t=3 T1 releases, as it has higher priority than T3 so it preempts or blocks T3 and starts it execution till t=3.5. After that the remaining part of T3 executes. At t=4 T2 releases and completes it execution as there is no task running in the system at this time. At t=6 both T1 and T3 are released at the same time but T1 has higher priority due to shorter period so it preempts T3 and executes till t=6.5, after that T3 starts running and executes till t=8. At t=8 T2 with higher priority than T3 releases so it preempts T3 and starts its execution. At t=9 T1 is released again and it preempts T3 and executes first and at t=9.5 T3 executes its remaining part. Similarly, the execution goes on.
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