Write short notes on : 1) Turning radius of an aircraft 2) Three controls of aircraft 3) Facilities to be provided at an airport terminal
1 Answer

1) Turning Radius:

  • A horizontal Curve is to be Provided whenever there is a change in the direction of the Taxiway.

  • It is necessary to design the curve in such a way that the aircraft can negotiate it without significantly reducing the Speed.

  • For this purpose the circular curve of Large radius is most Suitable & its radius can be obtained from the Following Formula.

$$ R=\frac{V^{2}}{125 f} $$ where $\quad R=$ radius of curve in $m$ $V=$ speed of aircraft in $\mathrm{km}$ p.h. $f=$ coefficient of friction between the tyre and pavement surface (usually assumed as 0.13). For airports serving large subsonic jet planes, the minimum value of radius of curvature is taken as $120 \mathrm{~m}$, irrespective of the speed. For supersonic jet planes, the minimum radius of $180 \mathrm{~m}$ is recommended.

2)Three Controls Of Aircraft

There are three parts of primary control surfaces



3 Ailerons


• the elevator controls pitch about the lateral Axis.

• The elevator is connected to the control Column in the flight deck by a series of Mechanical linkages.

• After movement of the control column Deflects the trailing edge of the elevator Surface up.


• The stabilator is a one piece horizontal tail Surface that pivots up and down about a Central hinge point.

• When the control column's pulled back it Raises the stabilator trailing edge pulling the Airplane's nose up.


• The conard design utilizes the concept of two Lifting surfaces.

• The conard functioning as a horizontal Stabilizer located in front of the main wings.

• The conard is an airfoil similar to the Horizontal suface on a conventional after tail And holds the nose up.


• The rudder controls movement of the aircraft about its vertical axis.

• The rudder is a movable surfaces.

• Moving left or right rudder pedal controls the rudder.


• Control Roll About the Longitudinal Axis.

•The Ailerons Are Attached to the Outboard Trailing Edge of Each Wing.

• It Move in the Opposite Direction From Each Other.

3) Facilities to be provided at an airport terminal

Terminal facilities and services

• Terminal building design

• Increase utility and efficiency of terminal building

• Passenger movers

• Improve circulation in terminal; reduce walking distance

• Ticketing

• Expedite ticket purchase and passenger check-in

• Baggage handling

• Expedite baggage check-in, transfer, and pickup

• Passenger security screening

• Make screening faster and more reliable

• Federal Inspection Service

• Expedite customs and immigration clearance

Facilities required at Terminal Building

• Access and Landside Interface.

• Processing.

• Holding Areas.

• Airlines and Support Activities.

Access and Landside Interface

• To ease the transfer of passenger flows.

• The facilities include :

• Curbside loading and unloading.

• Curbside baggage check-in where this is permitted.

• Shuttle services to parking lots and other terminal.

• Loading and unloading areas for car, buses, taxis, limousines and rapid surface modes.


  • Areas are designated for the formalities associated with processing passenger.

    • The facilities include:

    • Airline ticket and passenger check-in.

    • Baggage check-in.
    • Gate check-in.
    • Incoming and outgoing customs.
    • Immigration control.
    • Security check areas.
    • Baggage claim.

Holding Areas

  • The areas where passengers wait, in some case with airport visitors, between period occupied by passing through the various process.

  • The facilities required:

    • Passenger Lounges - general, departure and gate lounges.

    • Passenger Services Areas - wash rooms, internet access and public telephone.

    • Concessions - restaurant, bar and duty-free shop.

    • Observation Decks and Visitors' Lobbies

Airlines and Support Activities

• The facilities must be provided:

• Airlines offices - rest and refreshment areas for pilot and crew.

• Airport management offices - security, services.

• Governmental office - police, health, immigration. Offices and support areas for maintenance staff.

• The design must also cater to the need of airlines, airport and support personal working in the terminal area.

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