Calculate percentage saving in a AM modulated wave to depth of a 100 percent when the carrier and the one of the sidebands are suppressed. Compare AM with SSB-SC.

Mumbai University > Electronics > Sem 4 > Priniciples of Communication Engineering

1 Answer

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Comparison between AM and SSB-SC:

In this modulation system the amplitude modulated signal contains carrier wave and 2 sidebands (upper side band and lower side band) The single sideband suppressed carrier contains only one sideband and no carrier is present. In this one sideband is suppressed.
Demodulation is easy. We can use rectifier or envelope detector to demodulate conventional amplitude modulation. Demodulation process is difficult
Power requirement is very high. Nearly 2/3rd of power is required to transmit this carrier wave and rest 1/3rd for the transmission of two sidebands. SSB-SC systems require lesser power to transmit the same information in comparison to conventional amplitude modulation (AM).
Used in public broadcasting systems. Used in point-to-point communication.
Efficiency is less. Efficiency is more.
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