i. Draw a complete graph of 5 vertices.

ii. Give an example of Tree. (sketch the Tree)

1 Answer


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The above graph is complete because,

i. It has no loups

ii. It has no multiple edges.

iii. Each vertex is edges with each of the remaining vertices by a single edge.

Since there are 5 vertices, $ V_1, V_2 V_3 V_4 V_5 \therefore m= 5$

Number of edges = $ \frac {m(m-1)}{2} = \frac {5(5-1)}{2} = 10 $

ii. Tree: A connected graph which does not have a circuit or cycle is called a tree.

In a graph theory a tree is uncorrected graph in which any two vertices one connected by exactly one path

Example: Binding Tree

A tree in which one and only one vertex has degree are of degree one of three is called binary tree.

if in a binary tree every internal node has exactly two branches, it is called a full binary Tree,

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