Compare CDMA, FDMA & TDMA in terms of concept, key resources, sharing of resources, bandwidth, system flexibility and system complexity.
1 Answer
Concept Every bit of a conversation is been tagged with a specific and unique code. It is a technology by which the total bandwidth available to the system is divided into frequencies. This division is done between non overlapping frequencies that are then assigned to each communicating pair In TDMA the division of calls happens on time basis. The system first digitizes the calls, and then combines those conversations into a unified digital stream on a single radio channel.
key resources Codes Frequency ActiveTime period
Sharing of resources Sharing of resources is done through codes (PN sequence) In FDMA each user is allotted a frequency, through which communication can be done all the time In TDMA total available frequency is given to user for a particular time period
bandwidth here entire bandwidth is shared among different users by assigning unique codes here entire band of frequencies is divided into multiple RF channels/carriers. Each carrier is allocated to different users. here entire bandwidth is shared among different subscribers at fixed predetermined or dynamically assigned time intervals/slots.
System flexibility Flexible System Less flexible than TDMA & CDMA Less flexible than CDMA, More Flexible than FDMA
System complexity Complex system Less Complex than TDMA & CDMA Less Complex than CDMA, More Flexible than FDMA
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